Doctors: How-To CMR @ KGU
The Request Form/Die Anforderung
A request form must be submitted for every patient that requires clinical cardiac MRI or CT. An overview of clinical indications for cardiac MRI is provided here. If unsure, please send us an email and one of our doctors will be in touch. This form is available internally in the ORBIS.
For External Referrers (für externe Überweiser) |
Clinical question and the Urgency/Die Fragestellung und die DringlichkeitIt is important to provide a few sentences from clinical history and presentation that lead to the major clinical question that CMR investigation is intended to address. Please specify the reasons for any urgency (upcoming procedures, operations, as well as their timelines/dates). This will enable the coordinating team to plan the investigation accordingly .
The Vetting/Die ProtokollierungEvery request form must be reviewed and justified by the senior imaging doctor. This is done by reviewing the relevant clinical information. Patients are also pre-screened for MR/CT safety aspects. The doctor then defines the actual Cardiac MRI/CT protocol to ensure that the clinical question is addressed and that patient's safety is safeguarded. The vetting is performed within 8 hours, electronically in ORBIS.
Please ensure that you have provided us with sufficient information, in particular regarding any planned procedures and operations. |
Clinical Queries/Die Nachfragen
For any queries, either prior to making a referral or about reports, please contact PD Dr Puntmann or Prof Nagel per email. We endeavour to respond to these emails as soon as possible (usually within 30 min).
The Appointment/Der Termin |
The Clinical Coordination Team |
The appointment is made by direct contact to the patient. Clinical coordination team will approach the patients (by phone or email) to directly coordinate the best possible appointment time. Patients will also be screened for MR and CT Safety and research studies. Patients will be sent all required documentation per email, or post. Any questions or relevant information from the doctors or patients will be passed on to the imaging doctors for information.
Reception, Haus 25B Ground Floor (Erdgeschoss),
Institute for Experimental and Translational Cardiovascular Imaging, Universitaetsklinikum Frankfurt, Theodor Stern Kai 7, 60590 Frankfurt Phone number: 84491 Email address: cmr(at) |